Immigrant Women Entrepreneurs MeetUp Ottawa
Entrepreneurship is a very rewarding yet extremely lonely journey. As female/non-binary immigrant business owners, we all experience moments when we feel the weight of the world is on our shoulders and wish we could just talk to someone unfiltered. We talk to our family members, partners, or friends who may or may not have a business. But sometimes, we feel “Only another business owner like me could truly understand what I am experiencing and going through.
Only another woman of color, only another immigrant, only another person with an accent who has walked on these shoes will get this”. Yet, we are so busy with our businesses that we may not make the time to connect to those people who understand us the most in our business journey.
The meetup is an informal gathering of immigrant women and non-binary business owners to share our struggles, challenges and successes. The circle is a safe space where we connect with a group of like-minded folks to chat, laugh, cry and dream with!
This meetup is for existing business owners! (Plans for bringing together other groups of immigrant women are underway – stay tuned!).
Light nibbles will be offered – and better yet, why don’t you bring something to share as well? 🙂