Code of Conduct

By accessing Bayview Yards or AreaX.O (the “IO Managed Spaces”), you agree to this Code of Conduct.

Important Note: The IO Managed Spaces are not considered a public space and therefore an Invest Ottawa Executive or designate reserves the right to remove individuals from the IO Managed Spaces if they are in breach of this Code of Conduct.

Any behaviour that does not support a welcoming environment and/or violates the Code of Conduct may result in cost-recovery charges, suspension from the IO Managed Spaces on the basis of the Ontario Trespass to Property Act, and prosecution. The IO Managed Spaces Executive reserves sole discretion in determining an appropriate consequence for any behaviour that violates the Code of Conduct. An individual has the right to appeal their suspension in writing to Invest Ottawa and details of such rights and procedure shall be provided within a reasonable time of such suspension..

Prohibited behaviours include but are not limited to:

  • Disruptive or intrusive behaviour, for example cussing, irate behaviour, interfering with employee work, and the lack of appropriate attire.
  • Respect of the 3 hour limit in place for all shared spaces to allow others the opportunity to utilize the space.
  • Interfering with others’ use of the IO Managed Spaces’ business.
  • Possession of legal substances or materials without proper authorization such as alcohol, tools or equipment.
  • Failure to follow employee instructions.
  • Misuse of the IO Managed Spaces property.
  • Providing access to non-public areas to individuals who do not have the right to be in non-public areas without prior approval.
  • Photographing, filming or video recording individuals on the IO Managed Spaces without prior approval.
  • Causing damage to the IO Managed Spaces property.
  • Failure to pay for purchased goods.
  • Violent, threatening, abusive, discriminatory or harassing language or conduct.
  • Conduct prohibited by the Criminal Code such as stealing, possession of illegal substances.
  • Conduct that violates the Ontario Human Rights Code.

Code of Conduct 

At Invest Ottawa, we’re all about fostering a supportive, inclusive, and downright awesome community. Whether you’re a founder, startup staff, advisor, or part of the Invest Ottawa team, we believe that mutual respect and kindness are key ingredients to success.

1. Joining Invest Ottawa’s programs, events, and community activities implies that you agree to our Code of Conduct.

By accessing Bayview Yards or Area X.O (the “IO Managed Spaces”), you agree to this Code of Conduct.

What This Means: We’re here to innovate and grow together, and a respectful vibe makes it all the more fun. Let’s keep our community thriving by being the best we can be to each other. Founders helping Founders is at the heart of it all.

2. Our principles: be kind, respectful and collaborative.

Prohibited behaviours include but are not limited to:

  • Disruptive or intrusive behaviour, for example cussing, irate behaviour, interfering with employee work, and the lack of appropriate attire.
  • Respect of the 3-hour limit in place for all shared spaces to allow others the opportunity to utilize the space.
  • Interfering with others’ use of the IO Managed Spaces’ business.
  • Possession of legal substances or materials without proper authorization such as alcohol, tools or equipment.
  • Failure to follow employee instructions.
  • Misuse of the IO Managed Spaces property.
  • Providing access to non-public areas to individuals who do not have the right to be in non-public areas without prior approval.
  • Photographing, filming or video recording individuals on the IO Managed Spaces without prior approval.
  • Causing damage to the IO Managed Spaces property.
  • Failure to pay for purchased goods.
  • Violent, threatening, abusive, discriminatory or harassing language or conduct.
  • Conduct prohibited by the Criminal Code such as stealing, possession of illegal substances.
  • Conduct that violates the Ontario Human Rights Code.

What this means: We maintain a respectful, safe and lawful environment at Invest Ottawa. All individuals using our space are expected to respect others and each other’s property; and comply with Invest Ottawa employee instructions. We do not tolerate any conduct that is considered criminal or violates human rights legislation.

3. If you violate this Code of Conduct, you will be held accountable and may be asked to leave

Any behaviour that does not support a welcoming environment and/or violates the Code of Conduct may result in cost-recovery charges, suspension from the IO Managed Spaces on the basis of the Ontario Trespass to Property Act, and prosecution. The IO Managed Spaces Executive reserves sole discretion in determining an appropriate consequence for any behaviour that violates the Code of Conduct. An individual has the right to appeal their suspension in writing to Invest Ottawa and details of such rights and procedure shall be provided within a reasonable time of such suspension

What this means: The IO Managed Spaces are not considered a public space and therefore an Invest Ottawa Executive or designate reserves the right to remove individuals from Invest Ottawa premises if they are in breach of this Code of Conduct. Violation of this Code of Conduct may also result in cost-recovery charges and prosecution