Get your ENCQOR 5G project started with our hands-on onboarding session featuring Robert Lalla of Ericsson.
5G networks are going to affect the world in which your business operates. Are you and your products ready for 5G? The ENCOQR 5G program allows SMEs access to a pre-commercial testbed to test just that.
What’s the best way to get involved? Join us on Wednesday, December 11 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM for a full 5G Testbed onboarding session at Bayview Yards, 7 Bayview Rd, Ottawa.
Robert Lalla, Technology Innovation Manager at Ericsson, will be on-hand to help onboard your company’s IoT products or services directly onto our 5G testbed.
ENCQOR 5G is a partnership made possible in part by funding from the Government of Canada and the governments of Ontario and Québec.