Key Results (Program Logic Models, DRFs) for Performance Measurement and Evaluation (10547)

This workshop delves into logic models and their underlying theory of change, key building blocks for successful program design, performance measurement and evaluation. To many, the structure and content of logic models can be a barrier to their successful development and use. The workshop will focus on the structure of logic models, including a theory of change, and how they can be developed to optimize both learning and utilization.

This workshop can be taken on its own or in conjunction with Performance Indicators for Performance Measurement and Evaluation (offered on February 12) or Facilitation Skills for Performance Measurement and Evaluation (offered on February 13). All of these modules can be used as continuing education credits for Credentialed Evaluators.

Who Should Attend
This workshop is specifically designed for those working in evaluation, performance measurement and program management in the government or not-for-profit sectors who want to better understand the core concepts and best practices in understanding, developing and reviewing logic models and theories of change.

By the end the day you will be able to:

Describe how logic models and their underlying theories of change are used in program planning, performance measurement, and evaluation

Identify the key components of a logic model, including a theory of change, the relative benefits and limitations in their use, and the wide range of formats available

Determine the key steps in their development, including a range of approaches possible,

Understand the linkages between a program logic / results and a Departmental Results Framework, and

Understand emerging best practices and lessons learned, and where to find additional resources.

Using a case study approach and interactive exercises and discussions, participants will have the opportunity to apply the theory learned, share their own experiences with developing logic models and theories of change, and develop strategies for success.

In addition, special topics of interest to the participants will be covered, such as nested logic models, orgiving feedback on logic models.

The workshop fee includes resource materials, a certificate of completion, as well as refreshments, and lunch.

Personalized Training and Additional Information
This workshop can be offered in-house to clients who wish a more tailored and personalized workshop approach for their staff.

For more information, please contact Patrick Valois at [email protected].


2020-02-11 08:30:00 2020-02-11 16:15:00 America/Toronto Key Results (Program Logic Models, DRFs) for Performance Measurement and Evaluation (10547) This workshop delves into logic models and their underlying theory of change, key building blocks for successful program design, performance measurement and evaluation. To many, the structure and content of logic models can be a barrier to their successful development and use. The workshop will focus on the structure of logic models, including a theory […] 300-205 Catherine Street, Ottawa, ON, Canada
Details Posted in: Other Events Date: Tuesday Feb 11, 2020 Time: 8:30am-4:15pm Cost: $495 Website: Venue: 300-205 Catherine Street, Ottawa, ON, Canada Organizer: Intersol