Starting a Customer Education Program + Not-To-Miss Trends
Customer education is an essential component of customer acquisition and retention. Research from the Technology Services Industry Association (TSIA) found that trained customers not only renew at a higher rate, but they are also more likely to:
– Use a product more,
– Use more features and functions,
– Submit fewer customer support tickets.
Getting started can be a challenge, but in this webinar, Debbie Smith, Sr. Director at Visier and Sarah Sedgman, CEO at LearnExperts, will provide step-by-step guidance on how to build a customer ed program and trends that are driving program size and adoption by clients.
You will learn how to:
– Plan and start a new customer education program
– Grow an existing program to meet business pressures
– Incorporate tech trends like AI, videos, avatars, text-to-speech and translation software
– Scale content development to meet different customer needs, personas and modalities
– Hire for a customer ed team.
Who should attend:
– Customer education leaders
– Customer success leaders
– Other business leaders including CEOs and COOs.
Join us!