Our lives just keep getting more and more complicated, and none of us in the non-profit sector can afford to buy any whizz-bang programs to simplify any of it. But never fear! There are lots of free solutions out there which are easy to learn.
Come and learn about free online programs which will help you create and manage online surveys and event registration, manage passwords, access your computer remotely, and store files to access from any computer. We’ll also teach you how to use Excel to make your life easier. Bring your laptop to this interactive session, where you will have a chance to set up your own account and practice using each of these programs.
Who should attend:
Anyone who needs to use a computer for their work.
Paula Coons, Director of Operations at Volunteer Ottawa. Paula has been with Volunteer Ottawa for over ten years. She has 15 years’ experience in bookkeeping and Financial Management in both the for-profit and not-for-profit sector.
Register on website.