Une carrière époustouflante.
Une vie fabuleuse.

Développeur de jeux

Les développeurs de jeux sont très convoités par Snowed In Studios:

Snowed In Studios Logo

Entreprise de conception de jeux vidéo et de médias interactifs établie à Ottawa, Snowed In Studios offre du soutien en matière de programmation pour certains des jeux les plus en vue et les plus excitants d’aujourd’hui. Elle est également spécialisée dans le développement d’expositions de musée interactives, de logiciels contrôlés par le toucher ou les gestes, de logiciels de formation et de visualisations graphiques.

Snowed In Studios est à la recherche d’une vingtaine de personnes pour pourvoir, entre autres, des postes de programmeurs généralistes, de programmeurs de jeux et de programmeurs de rendu. Joignez-vous à Snowed In Studios et participez à la création de jeux vidéo pour certains des plus grands noms de l’industrie.

Nous mettons les talents en contact avec des entreprises technologiques d’Ottawa à croissance rapide.

Plus d’emplois

Developpeur Generalister

Developpeur Mobile

Ingénieur en Circuits Intégrés à Application Spécifique (ASIC)

Ingenieur en Developpement et Exploitation (DevOps)

Ingenieur de Logiciels Enfouis

Ingenieur en Materiel Informatique

Profitez de notre réseau pour bâtir votre carrière.

Apprenez-en davantage sur les débouchés offerts par certaines des meilleures entreprises technologiques d’Ottawa.

aetonix logo

bit heads logo

Crank Software Logo

evidence partners logo

Field Effect Logo

Foko Retail

Gbatteries logo

gigamon logo

GoFor logo



Kivuto logo

Noibu Logo


snowed in studios logo

Syntronic logo

tehama logo


tsmc logo

Ottawa’s top employers foster a world-class workforce.

Ottawa’s top employers in the Scale-Up Program

The Scale-Up Program was established to help high-potential companies manage rapid growth and, ultimately, scale successfully.
Through this program, Invest Ottawa supports product-based technology firms in overcoming three   proven challenges to rapid growth and market success: customers, revenue, and talent.

top employers
top employers

Ottawa’s top employers in the Scale-Up Program

The Scale-Up Program was established to help high-potential companies manage rapid growth and, ultimately, scale successfully. Through this program, Invest Ottawa supports product-based technology firms in overcoming three proven challenges to rapid growth and market success: customers, revenue, and talent.

crank software

Crank Software cultivates superb eNPS score with compelling culture

Recognition for exceptional products isn’t the only praise Crank Software is receiving; this scale-up ranked as one of Ottawa’s Top 3 Employers through the Invest Ottawa eNPS Benchmarking Pilot Program. Why are Crank Software employees so loyal? Speaking to their team, we were able to gain more in-depth insight into how the firm received such a high eNPS.

Evidence Partners secures sound eNPS score with solid, stable culture

Evidence Partners is one of Ottawa’s fastest-growing companies. The number of Evidence Partners employees has doubled within the last year. What’s most impressive is that the company has been able to build a high-performing and loyal team.

evidence partners
evidence partners

Evidence Partners secures sound eNPS score with solid, stable culture

Evidence Partners is one of Ottawa’s fastest-growing companies. The number of Evidence Partners employees has doubled within the last year. What’s most impressive is that the company has been able to build a high-performing and loyal team.

cyber security

Field Effect fosters notable eNPS score with focus on transparency

Field Effect recruits the best of the best, even while hiring at full speed during the pandemic. Their formula is a winning one. In a competitive industry, Field Effect has consistently been able to attract and retain experienced cybersecurity leaders.